Can I Advertise my Gambling Website on the Internet, Legally?

Online casino Marketing
Updated 18 july 2024

Online casinos cannot be advertised on any website, is it so? Why? The global network is a free space, and there should be no restrictions or at least we have to know means to bypass the ban. Are there ways to promote a casino effectively, without fear of breaking laws?

Online casino promotion

Today advertising of gambling is everywhere in unlimited amounts but there are still significant restrictions connected with the online promotion of casinos, gambling clubs, and poker rooms.

Also, gambling clubs have to compete for the attention of potential players not only with each other but even with land-based casinos! Therefore, the price of advertising is extremely high, and some fancy footwork has to be done to find a way to promote your casino effectively.

However, things are not as bad as they sound. It is possible to ask specialists of Online Casino Market for a professional assistance. This company will complete the entire promotional process legally, easily, and effectively.


Before you continue reading, it is worth noting that the legislation in various countries is different.

Below, we are going to fully describe the issue of online advertising of gambling clubs. But the Internet space of each country is governed by its own laws. Therefore, it is necessary to study in detail what you can and cannot do in your country.

A myth that it is impossible to advertise casinos online has spread because the Google Adwords advertising network prohibits the placement of advertisements related to gambling clubs. And those who are trying to deceive algorithms of the machine are punished with sanctions and lowered in search results.

Therefore, marketers are concentrating on two ways of the promotion of a casino:

  1. Try to bypass the ban and not fall under the sanctions.
  2. Try to use other advertising platforms.

Let us discuss how to advertise an online gaming website legally, what marketing tools you can use and how to do it.

Marketing tools

Natural Promotion

Operations that make the website rise in search results and eventually get to the first page are called natural or SEO promotion. That is, the website is made so that it matches criteria, based on which search engines evaluate the usefulness of the site and its relevance to the request of a user.

Among the advantages of SEO, we can name the fact that in the longer term, players will find your website independently, so there will be no need to spend money on advertising. But this may take several months or even years of constant investment in the natural promotion, so we offer you to start SEO optimisation for the very beginning. Moreover, this option is absolutely legal.

Affiliate Programs

Partner networks are a very effective way to increase traffic and attract new players. They can be connected by using an affiliate program — special software for online casinos.

Their principle of operation is similar to the Google Display Network: you send banners, video or links with special markers to be placed on third-party resources to a contractor. Gamblers follow these links and come to your website, start playing casino games and generate revenue, and you pay a reward to the webmaster who posted the link for all new visitors.

When using affiliate programs, people place your advertising manually, and Google does it automatically. It has its advantages — advertising appears on those websites that have similar topics, so it is seen by people who are familiar with online gaming.

SMM Promotion of Online Casinos

Social networks are mostly used not for advertising but as a way to inform the audience about promos, offers, and bonuses. Unfortunately, direct advertising of casino projects in some social networks is strictly prohibited. For example, Facebook and VKontakte have a negative attitude towards this business and reject applications for the placement of advertisements.

But there is a way to use this channel advantageously. You can inform your subscribers about all new items or the appearance of a new slot game, and thus make customers come back over and over again.


Marketers believe that mailings are the most effective method, which is definitely recommended by experts. Create a database from the first day of the existence of a resource and, after a while, send gamblers special offers — promos, bonuses, etc.

A positive aspect is that there are no restrictions related to the content of letters. You can directly invite people to play casino games. The only thing that you have to remember is the position of the legislation of your country in relation to gambling advertising since the content of letters falls under its regulation.

Ads in Google Display Network

Ads in Google Display Network

This platform is one of the largest, and it would be strange not to use it. You just need to figure out ways to advertise a website legally in order not to get sanctioned.

Currently, specialists know two ways to do it:

  1. Make a redirect from the landing page to a gaming website.
  2. Advertise a casino blog.

The first method guarantees high traffic but is a bit risky. Search engines disapprove of redirects and may make natural positions of the website lower. For this reason, we offer you to ask an experienced professional for help.

Loyalty Programs

This is a type of marketing that does not involve direct advertising but nonetheless works to increase your profits since it allows you to attract gamblers repeatedly. It also makes them regular customers.

Loyalty programs can be different: they can reward gamblers for a big deposit, offer free rounds every day or even give bonuses for the attraction of other players.

Among other things, you can think about providing gamblers with additional opportunities. For example, you can start updating casino games more often or accepting bitcoin payments so that users can make a deposit in cryptocurrency.

To find out what kind of loyalty programs do you need, talk to a marketer who has a vast experience in the gambling industry.

Advertising Must be Effective

As you can see, a casino solution can be advertised in different ways. Remember that the promotion comprehensive so that all elements fit together and never break the laws of your country. Therefore, we believe that it is always better to entrust the promotion to professionals.

Online Casino Market is a successful company that not only provides promotional services but also helps with the receipt of a permit and drawing up of all documents.


We also offer a demo version to test it and make sure of the successfulness of this business and a ready-made gambling establishment.

For all questions, please write to us:

  • By e-mail:
  • In Telegram: @spinwin.
  • In Skype: slotsmarket.
  • Via the feedback form.
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Karen Fill


Karen Fill

Gambling business expert at Online Casino Market

Updated 18 july 2024