How to Open a Gaming Club in Gaborone and Become a Niche Leader in Botswana

Land-based solutions
Updated 02 august 2024

A thorough analytical process precedes any big steps in assembling a project. One of its crucial aspects is the selection of a beneficial place to propose services. Considering how quickly currently the African countries are progressing, it seems like an advantageous idea to start a gaming club in Gaborone.

Why exactly this destination? Botswana is considered a favourable place for investments. Despite most of its territory being covered by the Kalahari Desert, the South-East district has a substantial density of population. This is where an entrepreneur should initiate its operation.

Gaming clubs in Gaborone: where to order

Online Casino Market has been monitoring the state for quite long. Its rapid boost in development is marked by the progress of its neighbour (the RSA) and the penetration of high technologies. As a result, a new land-based casino in Gaborone can yield considerable profit in case it is elaborated adequately.

Order our professional aid in the creation of a recognised brand.

Influence of Botswana on Land-Based Casinos in Africa

A green light appeared for contractors in the state at the beginning of 2012. The update of 2 major bills (the Lotteries/Betting and the Casino decrees) marked a new era in the local gaming industry. Thanks to new adoptions, it became legal to open venues with slot machines in Gaborone as well as introduce other related recreations.

What the sphere is like after the implementation of the amendments:

  • The committee of the country that is in charge of reviewing applications and granting working permits is called the Gambling Authority. Investors should contact it primarily to negotiate the entrance to the market.
  • The law-implementing body is called the Control Board. It monitors the adequate flow of affairs, resolves disputes, and ensures the land-based casino business in Gaborone and neighbouring metropolises benefit the country.
  • As for the beginning of 2022, the capital houses 2 major playing spots (Sun Resort and Grand Palm Convention). Their owners have viable contracts with the authorities and appeal to the locals.
  • The latest changes to the land-based casino sphere in Africa (Botswana direction) touched bingo. It became more beneficial to implement the amusement into the working process of the clubs, so it is worth considering this opportunity.
  • Another highly popular entertainment for the inhabitants is poker. There is no need to apply for a separate permit to install tables and conduct tournaments. Adding poker rooms or focusing on this particular activity are 2 viable options.

Online Casino Market constantly checks the slightest shifts in Botswana’s gaming sphere. Our juridical experts regularly adjust the elaboration process to meet the best outcome. Do you still wonder how to open a casino in Gaborone with no legal obstacles? Order the proficient aid at our company and bring your brand to success quickly and effectively.

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Land-Based Casino in the Densest District?

Land-based casino business in Africa: overall cost

The presence of competitors in the area requires a manager to keep up to certain standards. It means that the initial budget necessary for a smooth elaboration of the gaming lounge is around $4–6 million. This is not a small amount, but if the plan is to open a land-based casino in Gaborone with a solid yield, it is the minimum sum to hold.

The capital will be mainly spent on:

  1. Finding the appropriate place and purchasing the land. The majority of playing sites are located in the West Industrial Estate. The price for the territory there is above average since the infrastructure is well-developed and the competition is present.
  2. Covering costs for the licence. After getting all the necessary documents, the manager has to inquire about the precise price of the permit. On average, it is $200,000. For more detailed information, it is necessary to consult the Control Board.
  3. Assembling the facility. In order to open a gaming club in Africa, it is vital to know its surroundings. Apart from the playing lounge itself, the investor might also need to take care of other amenities: a hotel, restaurants, bars, concert halls, etc.
  4. Integrating entertainment. Traditional amusement is valued high by local punters. At the same time, it is necessary to take care of individual touch to the design, furniture, and the software component of the interior and exterior.
  5. Hiring staff. How to open a gaming club in Gaborone and ensure its smooth workflow? Recruit people from the neighbourhood to give the venue the appropriate cultural atmosphere.
  6. Initiating advertising. As there are 2 major halls and a bunch of small playing kiosks, standing out from the crowd is important. Offline advertising is effective, but due to recently improved internet penetration, online methods have become particularly relevant.

Reliable Sources to Buy Slot Machines in Gaborone at

The heart of every facility is its playing lounge. It should be equipped according to the contemporary technological advancements in terms of recreation as well as the administrative aspect.

To ensure investors buy slot machines in Gaborone at the top manufacturers, here are the 5 biggest market representatives that will boost the performance of the venue in the district:


The supplier organises ground services for venues, focusing on sweepstakes terminals, cabinets, and electronic roulettes.

Every owner of a new brand has to own at least a few Amatic machines for the sake of the reputation


From the very beginning, the supplier was oriented on casino land-based solutions in the US but soon expanded globally.

The electronic slots and sweepstakes terminals can be met all over the country, and punters enjoy them much


The famous Japanese organisation can be now found on the list of 20 biggest enterprises internationally.

While its gaming elements have an immaculate reputation, few managers know that Konami also creates reliable administrative pieces to keep the brand awareness high


With almost 800 people working in its main office in Stockholm, the company is considered one of the industry’s leaders.

How to buy slot machines in Gaborone reliably? Resort to NetEnt and overview its assortment of over 200 titles of administrative and entertainment elements


The organisation introduces exclusive and effective gaming solutions. Yggdrasil has all its creations based on proprietary techs that are determined by excellent programming parts

The Main Things about Making It to the Top of the Market in Botswana

Land-based casino business in Gaborone: key notions

The core task of the owner of a future hall is to guarantee a stable setup process. It is achieved through maintaining several aspects at the same time. Informational support is integral in such conditions, so staying in touch with the latest details and updates will be a beneficial move.

Key aspects a manager should be aware of:

  • Botswana is considered a favourable place for investments with its South-East district having a substantial density of population that is advantageous to start land-based casino businesses.
  • A green light appeared for contractors at the beginning of 2012 after the update of the Lotteries/Betting and the Casino decrees.
  • The committee of the country that is in charge of reviewing applications and granting working permits is called the Gambling Authority and the law-implementing body is the Control Board.
  • How much does it cost to start a land-based casino in the capital? A minimum of $4–6 million is required to withstand the rivalry and introduce a noticeable venue.
  • Such producers of playing cabinets as IGT, Amatic, Konami, NetEnt, Yggdrasil are proposing the finest services in terms of obtaining existing components and developing new ones.

Professional aid can boost the elaboration time and decrease the expenditures significantly.

Order the assistance of an established aggregator Online Casino Market and make a safe investment into a promising region with solvent people. Get in touch with our managers for further details.

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Karen Fill


Karen Fill

Gambling business expert at Online Casino Market

Updated 02 august 2024