Gambling of the Future: How Technologies Are Changing the Industry

Online casino
Updated 06 august 2024

The casino niche is becoming an important part of the global economy. Here, as in other highly profitable sectors, modern IT solutions and a progressive approach to a business organisation are used.

Gambling technologies: innovations

The Online Casino Market team will gladly tell you about large-scale technological transformations in the web gambling field. You will also be able to learn about Cloud Gaming, Big Data, Blockchain, and other IT innovations.

Active Development of Cloud Gambling

Analysts of the PCMag online edition expect that in 2023, the market capitalisation of cloud casino content will reach 450 million dollars. By 2026, this figure will reach 630 million dollars.

The introduction of Cloud Gaming technology is closely connected with the development of 5G networks. According to experts, in 5 years, more than 20% of mobile traffic will pass through 5G channels. Local networks of this type are already operating in the US, Singapore, Switzerland, China, South Korea, and other countries.

Among the most popular platforms that support the technology we can name:

  • Google Stadia;
  • Playstation Now;
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS);
  • Tencent;
  • Playkey, and others.

Options for the Exchange of Information

The broadcast of casino games is conducted by streaming data. A key feature is the use of ultra-fast 5G networks, thanks to which content can be instantly launched on personal devices.

Ways to use Cloud Gaming:

  1. Live broadcast upon request. Software codes of casino solutions are stored on the provider's server where most resource-intensive operations are processed (the launch of games, calculation of prize money, as well as the activation of bonus rounds and tournament sessions). Access to these codes through consoles or PCs is not required. This way of sharing information is used by OnLive, Gaikai, Ubitus, CiiNow, Playcast Media Systems, and other developers of cloud entertainment.
  2. Streaming of casino content. In this case, only a small part of the game is downloaded, which allows players to start spinning the reels in the slot or dealing cards as quickly as possible. Depending on the outcome of the first rounds, the rest of the content is loaded, for example, unique bonus sessions or jackpots. This option is used by Approx, Kalydo, SpawnApps, and other software vendors.

Advantages of Using the Technology

The development of the Cloud Gaming market provides the following tangible benefits:

The emergence of a new category of casino games

This is innovative and technically unlimited content, which is initially created according to the cloud standards. It is characterised by instant playback and support for a wide range of IT solutions, from VR and AR to artificial intelligence.

The boundaries between genres of casino entertainment are smoothed over. Updated products combine elements of traditional slots, cards, and actions

Active socialisation

Cloud content is aimed at helping gamblers to interact with each other.

As part of multiplayer games, users can:

  • communicate;
  • exchange gifts;
  • build teams by interests;
  • participate in seasonal tournaments.

The Death Stranding provider, for example, added likes as a way to approve the actions of other players

Improvement of the game performance

The use of the 5G standard increases the data transfer speed and guarantees an uninterrupted exchange of information between the cloud and the personal device. Gamblers can use gadgets, desktop PCs, tablets, land-based consoles, and other devices.

Cloud Gaming eliminates the need to use expensive hardware. Developers offer content with the most detailed graphics, exciting storylines, and non-standard features

Growth of profitability of the casino business

Cloud Gaming provides good monetisation of internet traffic and, as a result, an increase in the profitability of web gambling projects.

Additional funds come from:

  • sale of exclusive promotion tools (functions of the main characters, bonus rounds);
  • selection of a monthly subscription with access to all types of entertainment

The Use of Decentralised Technologies

Blockchain technology: key features

Blockchain is a peer-to-peer network that consists of billions of interconnected blocks. The cells store information about already completed and only planned operations. In gambling, this is the calculation of prize money, the launch of exclusive rounds, the exchange of NFT assets, and much more.

The data inside the blocks are protected by utilising cryptographic encryption. Bitcoin projects use the SHA-256 algorithm, Litecoin solutions use Scrypt, and so on. Developers, players, and casino operators can view the information but it is strictly prohibited to change or delete it.

Cryptocurrency Transactions

Most often, Blockchain is used as a payment method: instead of fiat currencies or in addition to them.

Key advantages of this type of money transfer:

  • there are no restrictions on the size of the minimum and maximum bets (users can deposit 0.01 to 100 BTC and more);
  • instant transactions without intermediaries (such as acquiring banks or interstate organisations);
  • the anonymity of transfers (it is enough to indicate the BTC wallet number and then confirm the transaction);
  • the absence of commission fees;
  • high level of security of personal data and confidential information.

Most entrepreneurs offer cryptocurrency payments along with operations in fiat money — US dollars, euros, and pounds sterling. This approach allows them not to lose the already existing customer base and attract new gamblers.

Experts from PCMag predict that by 2030, the digital money will replace fiat transactions by 80%.

Casino content that only supports cryptocurrency betting is offered by Microgaming, BGaming, and other providers.

Blockchain Entertainment

The built-in random number generator works based on the described technology, which has many advantages:

  • The frequency of successful and unsuccessful sessions is determined randomly and then encrypted using cryptographic tools.
  • At the moment of spinning the reels in a slot or distributing cards, the RNG gives a result that even theoretically cannot be forged or cancelled.
  • Support for Fair Play is fixed in public registries. Gamblers can look at the statistics of losses or wins in order to verify the fairness of the outcomes of sessions from personal experience.

The use of Blockchain eliminates the need to certify the products. Operators and developers bypass this costly and time-consuming procedure, speeding up the release time for a game.

NFT Content

Blockchain is closely related to the non-fungible token market. NFT assets confirm the right to own unique objects in the digital space.

In gambling, these are:

  • characters;
  • online accounts;
  • artefacts (weapons, clothes, functions of protagonists);
  • exclusive rounds;
  • gift certificates, and other elements of the iGaming universe.

Players have the right to exchange NFT assets right during the entertainment session or sell/buy them on specialised exchanges.

The price of non-fungible tokens can increase sharply, which guarantees additional capitalisation of the casino business and good income for users.

Operators often use NFT assets as shares: over time, they become more expensive, and those who invest in iGaming projects receive stable profits.


It provides for the massive use of Blockchain.

With the help of this technology, not only individual NFT assets or games are created but also full-fledged digital spaces. Characters, artefacts, locations, and other elements are drawn so carefully that the line between the three-dimensional virtual world and the real one is blurred.

Most Blockchain games within the NFT universe are based on the Play2Earn principle.

Casino visitors can choose what they will do in digital reality:

  • enjoy games with NFT elements;
  • develop virtual business;
  • build, renovate, and sell real estate;
  • create virtual art objects (paintings, video/audio materials).

Crypto Kitties is considered the most famous NFT game. Players breed digital pets, take care and then sell them on specialised exchanges. The entertainment is based on the Ethereum Blockchain platform and the ERC-721 data encryption protocol.

The Use of Big Data in Gambling

Big Data in gambling: characteristics

It plays a significant role in almost any industry, and the casino niche is no exception.

The technology allows operators to process large amounts of data faster and better. Thanks to this, the level of customer service increases, and the control of online platforms improves.

Big Data in iGaming

The term is defined by 3 key characteristics:

  1. Volume. Managers work with terabytes of information. The functionality of traditional Excel tables is often not enough, so analysts use specialised software. These are OpenRefine, RapidMiner, Pentaho, and other tools.
  2. Wide variety. Numerical data, audio and video materials, and text messages are very common in the gambling field. Experts also evaluate the audience's reaction to certain decisions (presentation of new slot machines, launch of seasonal tournaments), which is expressed in likes, subscriptions, and the number of downloaded solutions.
  3. Speed. To process data faster than before, gambling platforms are equipped with specialised modules — CRM systems. They store personal information, reactions of users, KPI metrics, and other facts.

Benefits of Using Big Data

The application of technology assists operators in solving several important tasks:

Fight against fraud

Modern methods of analysis help online casinos identify and block intruders.

The system recognises unauthorised login, unreasonable use of VPN, hacking attempts, irrational distribution of bonuses, and more types of suspicious activity.

QUIC protocols, access control, as well as other security measures, are used to prevent the theft of confidential information

Creation of personalised offers

CRM modules based on Big Data collect basic facts about customers, their preferences, and reactions to game materials (content, bonuses, and promotional offers).

The received and processed information is used to form successful business strategies in various areas (marketing, customer service, choice of gambling software)

Prevention of gaming addiction

Big Data increases the effectiveness of self-control and self-exclusion tools.

The program detects anomalies in the behaviour of players (for example, the too frequent launch of rounds or spins at higher limits), which may indicate the symptoms of ludomania

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the casino business

The CRM system can calculate gross gaming revenue (GGR), churn rate (CR), average revenue per user (ARPU), and other economic indicators

The Main Things about Modern Technologies in the Gambling Niche

The casino industry is a highly profitable field of activity in which a wide variety of IT solutions are used.

  • The development of the sector is closely connected with cloud technologies and 5G networks. Cloud Gaming stimulates the emergence of new genres of entertainment, improves the performance of online platforms, and contributes to the active socialisation of the audience. Data transmission is organised in 2 ways: through live broadcasting and streaming upon request.
  • It is hard to imagine modern gambling without Blockchain. The technology is used as a payment method (along with fiat currency) and as an analogue of a traditional random number generator. Based on the Blockchain, NFT objects (unique games, characters, gift certificates) and a virtual metaverse with a large selection of entertainment are created.
  • The use of Big Data increases the efficiency of online casino management. The technology makes it easy to evaluate the profitability of an iGaming business, fight against fraud, detect and prevent ludomania, create personalised offers, and much more.

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Karen Fill


Karen Fill

Gambling business expert at Online Casino Market

Updated 06 august 2024