How to Launch and Run a Successful Online Casino: Expert Advice

Online casino Marketing
Updated 12 july 2024

In the past few years, affiliate programs have been considered the most effective way to introduce and promote digital gambling platforms.

Online casino promotion: general info

The experts at Online Casino Market explain this phenomenon and offer professional advertising services for iGaming projects.

Casino Promotion

Any online project should be promoted using internet marketing methods. These are traditional banners, advertising networks, e-mail newsletters, and every possible way to reach the right audience through social networks.

In reality, the superstitions of the global community have left a huge imprint on how gambling establishments can advertise their services on the Web today. Major advertising platforms in every possible way limit (or even completely block) the opportunities for promoting such gaming sites.

There is no need to look far: the 2 largest platforms in the world — Google Adwords and Facebook — have already banned advertising of casino resources. Specialists try to circumvent these prohibitions but it often leads to even sadder consequences.

  • Google can downgrade cunning platforms that try to seem not what they are in the search results.
  • Facebook blocks advertising accounts, thus closing the ability to make announcements, even with the message to join the official page of the casino within the social network. And this is quite a big risk for any owner of such an account.

This situation is ubiquitous. Add to it the unwillingness of users to see intrusive ads and the installation of blocker applications, and you will understand what a difficult job advertising agencies do when they deal with the marketing of gambling projects.

Affiliate Programs

As for the e-mail newsletter to a database of contact, they still work great. The difficulty lies in the fact that it will be complicated for a new gaming site to gain a large customer base that would have a tangible effect in the form of income. This method is good for already existing casinos, which can use newsletters as a way to additionally stimulate loyal gamblers and thus make them return to the platform again.

For new online casinos, there are not many options that can help operators attract visitors. Some try to go offline and take on printed materials, while others order advertising on radio and TV. “Grey” promotion methods are also used: distribution of personal messages, for example. One can argue about the moral aspect of such a type of promotion but in this case, it is worth paying attention to the situation in the industry as a whole.

Affiliate programs remain an effective marketing method. Their essence boils down to the following fact: a webmaster who manages several sites or even dozens of different portals can place your announcements on the pages of all these resources. Partners provide you with their network by renting out advertising space in exchange for a fee.

In the online gambling field, there are 2 types of payment for such a service:

  • a percentage of the amount deposited to the casino by players who followed the partner’s link;
  • a commission for every thousand visits to the gaming site.

There are also more flexible settings. For example, a webmaster may receive a percentage not of the size of deposits but of the lost money, and if gamblers win, then the partner's earnings go into a minus. Customers are offered various types of cooperation — it all depends on your expectations and the counterpart’s offer.

Advantages of Affiliate Programs

Casino affiliate programs: advantages

Let us review the main benefits of such collaborations:

  1. Advertisements are broadcast to a warm audience. Typically, casinos work with related platforms, such as blogs of players, gambling forums, and portals with advice on game tactics. All people who can potentially see your ads through the affiliate network are already familiar with the casino niche and understand it.
  2. You can flexibly adjust the budget. The software functionality for affiliate programs allows operators to choose exact conditions of payment. The webmaster will receive money for each user that matches the parameters. For a future casino owner, this means 2 things: the partner will try to find a relevant audience, and the manager will not overpay for irrelevant traffic.
  3. Precise targeting. A rare marketing tool makes it possible to do such accurate targeting as high-quality software for an affiliate program. Entrepreneurs can choose age, geolocation, level of income, time of day, user activity on the Web, and so on. For example, if casino owners decide to make an ad aimed at men over 50 in Ohio, they can include in their promotion campaign a specific message that is clear to this category of people, and only they will see it.
  4. Easily retrieval of traffic from all over the world. It is enough to establish partnerships with webmasters from other regions, and citizens of other countries will regularly visit your site. It is very simple but it is important not to forget to connect casino payment modules in the appropriate currency.

The Main Things about Launching an Online Gambling Platform

This short review gave you a rough idea that the promotion of any project, especially an online casino, is a time-consuming and dynamic process.

We strongly recommend you use the services of professionals, entrusting all marketing tasks to them. It is better to pay a little more for good advertising than to blow the budget on something unnecessary.

You can contact the Online Casino Market studio. Our specialists have vast experience, perfectly understand the trends and needs of gamblers and are extremely scrupulous about legal issues. No matter what country you choose to work in, you will not have to worry about breaking local laws.

From us, it is possible to order such services as:

For all questions, please contact our managers.

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Karen Fill


Karen Fill

Gambling business expert at Online Casino Market

Updated 12 july 2024