Key Benefits of Performance Marketing for the Online Casino Popularisation

Online casino
Updated 31 july 2024

Gambling companies no longer want to spend huge amounts of money on advertising without getting real and measurable results. Instead of vague strategies, the market needs quick and effective solutions that make every dollar spent provide value.

Casino performance marketing: features

The review of the Online Casino Market studio is dedicated to the features and advantages of performance promotion. We will tell you about setting KPIs, the stages of launching an advertising campaign, and the cross-cutting analysis of intermediate results.

About the Concept

This is a way to promote a casino on the Web using a wide variety of tools, which are aimed at reaching a specific and measurable result.

Advertising campaigns are built on the principle of making quick decisions based on analytics and preliminary testing. It ensures the attraction of the most relevant internet audience from all available sources.

Key features of performance marketing:

  • focus on long-term commercial performance;
  • special attention to the achievement of measurable results expressed in specific KPIs;
  • use of tools whose effectiveness can be tracked;
  • implementation of Smarketing — a plan of actions where the goals of promotion and sales are interrelated.

Popularisation via affiliates is similar to the performance method. The only difference is that in the first case, operators collaborate with partners, and in the second case, business owners independently develop a promo campaign and then outsource some of the duties (they are carried out by partners and agencies).

Performance marketing is radically different from television advertising. Its effectiveness is difficult to track (how many viewers will perform the target action after watching the video on TV), while the cost of advertising the product remains high.

Advantages of the Promotion Tool in the iGaming Industry

Performance marketing: key advantages

The solution has the following undeniable advantages:

  1. Performance precedent. The key objective of the approach is to provide online casino owners with measurable results. This is the growth of internet traffic, the average check, the number of re-registrations, and much more. All metrics are tracked, measured, and corrected, which ensures the effectiveness of the popularisation of a gaming site.
  2. High return on investment. By putting money into the promotion, entrepreneurs get a quick payback. In this case, operators do not take steps blindly, which allows them to optimise expenses for advertising without losing its quality and effectiveness.
  3. Mobility. Project owners are becoming flexible in making certain decisions. If for some reason the popularisation does not bring the expected results, it is always possible to quickly make the necessary changes.
  4. Compliance with global trends. The described solution is a modern method of promoting gaming sites, which is very in demand among B2B providers.
  5. Low risks of failure. All stages of the advertising campaign are strictly controlled, and intermediate results are compared with benchmarks. It guarantees a minimum risk of failure: entrepreneurs always get a concrete, not abstract result.

Basic KPIs for the Gambling Sector

Advertisers work with complex, multi-stage tasks that are difficult to measure with short-term commercial metrics.

To evaluate the success of a promotional campaign, experts use the following data:

CAC — the ratio of the price of marketing activities to the volume of attracted internet traffic (the number of new customers)

The indicator can be calculated based on the number of registered customers, the number of re-registrations, or punters who made the initial deposit. All these characteristics are target actions that are always specified in the advertising plan

AOV — the size of an average check of 1 gambler

To calculate the AOV metric, the sum of profit is divided by the number of active online casino visitors.

Intermediate results can be compared with the starting or the previous reporting period. It allows operators to evaluate the profitability of long-term investments in a performance campaign

CLV — customer lifetime value

This parameter is calculated as the product of the AOV metric and the length of the gambler's stay on the site (in months).

The indicator is used to calculate the profit that 1 punter brought to the online casino throughout its activity (from registration to deletion of an account).

CLV needs to be monitored in dynamics, that is, for each reporting month/quarter. Sharp jumps in CLV in the direction of increase confirm the success of the advertising campaign, and in the direction of decrease — an inefficiency of the marketing strategy

ROI — return on investment

The parameter shows the repayment of funds invested in the performance campaign. To calculate this indicator, the net profit of an online casino (income minus costs) is divided by the volume of expenses and multiplied by 100%.

The metric illustrates the direct advertising costs and earnings of an operator

SAC — the share of expenses for performance marketing in the general structure of costs of an entrepreneur

The indicator should not exceed other expenses in the company's financial report: payment of salaries and taxes, software rental, etc.

Performance Campaign: Launch and Management Stages

Casino performance campaign: stages

Let us consider the main steps towards the implementation of a successful popularisation program in the gambling niche.

Business and Market Analysis

In the first stage, specialists conduct a comprehensive analysis of the iGaming brand and study the nuances of doing business, specifics of the legislative framework, and other important aspects.

Marketers need to evaluate:

  • the target audience of an online casino (the core and secondary groups of customers that will bring the greatest profit in the future);
  • operation of the gaming site (usability, catalogue of entertainment, verification procedure, ways to deposit and withdraw funds, convenience of the user interface);
  • legal regulation (availability of licences and certificates of conformity, nuances of taxation);
  • effectiveness of current and previous advertising campaigns.

The analysis must be conducted for all stages of working with a sales funnel in order to optimise marketing costs in the future.

Goal Setting

The key task is to increase profits. Specialists need to transform this abstract goal into real KPI metrics. They must be measurable, achievable, meaningful, and time-limited.

KPI can be expressed in absolute and percentage forms. The first category includes the amount of revenue, net profit and expenses of an entrepreneur, the number of attracted customers, etc.

The derived parameters are expressed as a percentage. These are ROI, SAC, and other indicators.

Development of a Strategy

At this stage, a media plan is formed, which specifies the goals of the campaign, and the tools used taking into account the characteristics of the product (online casino) and market conditions.

Various tables and graphs with current and planned indicators are added to the plan. It is a common practice to categorise the document by weeks, months, and quarters, which allows entrepreneurs to track the effectiveness of the campaign in dynamics.

In performance marketing, there are several useful tools:

  • contextual advertising;
  • targeting in social networks;
  • e-mail newsletters;
  • native popularisation.

The use of certain tools depends on the current goals of an operator:

  1. Activity in the media and targeting through well-known messengers form the need to play casino games (as a hobby, fun pastime, or a way to earn money) and improve the image indicators of the business.
  2. Contextual and native advertising and the installation of chatbots in messengers are used to work with already formed demand. Gamblers just need to click on a colourful banner or press a button in the chat to proceed to the entertainment, the account’s registration or replenishment.
  3. Retargeting and personalised e-mail newsletter is designed to bring back those customers who, for whatever reason, have stopped playing in the casino. Entrepreneurs can tell them about new slots and profitable bonuses or offer temporary cashback.

Launch and Management of a Performance Campaign

Specialists simultaneously work with:

  • context;
  • targeting and media advertising;
  • popular search engines;
  • placement of ads depending on geolocation.

According to the approved media plan, commercials for YouTube and Twitch are launched, chatbots are activated in messengers, posts are published on social networks, and banners are placed on specialised internet resources.

End-to-End Analytics

These are advanced statistics for all advertising channels, detailed analysis by periods, comparison with planned indicators, as well as calculation of deviations in absolute and percentage forms.

The main tasks at this stage are:

  • evaluation of the return on investment for all marketing areas and target groups;
  • blocking ineffective advertising;
  • adjustment of the chosen strategy to improve KPIs in future reporting periods.

Business owners can use the following marketing services:

  • platforms for monitoring analytics (Yandex.Metrika, Google Analytics);
  • tracking systems for the evaluation of incoming activities: calls, messages, applications (CoMagic, Mango Office, Allostat, PrimeGate, CallTouch);
  • mobile analytics monitoring solutions (Adjust, AppMetrica, AppsFlyer, Distimo);
  • multitasking CRM systems for online casinos.

The Main Things about the Effective Advertising of iGaming Projects

Performance marketing is an up-to-date method of casino platform promotion.

  • The advantages of the solution include its high efficiency, quick return on investment, flexibility, scalability, and low risks of failure. The solution is trendy all over the world.
  • A key to the success of any campaign is a focus on results. It is expressed in specific and measurable metrics: the size of the average check, CLV, the return on marketing costs, etc. The profitability of the gambling business, the volume of internet traffic, the number of re-registrations, and other parameters are also taken into account.
  • The performance campaign consists of several stages. It is necessary to analyse the initial data (activity, regulatory framework), determine the promotion goals, create a strategy with a media plan, launch a campaign, and provide end-to-end data analytics.

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Karen Fill


Karen Fill

Gambling business expert at Online Casino Market

Updated 31 july 2024