Mobile Marketing in iGaming: How to Effectively Promote a Casino

Online casino Marketing
Updated 06 august 2024

The online gambling industry is a highly competitive business environment. While land-based gaming halls can afford conservative advertising, operators of digital platforms must constantly look for new types of project popularisation and tools for retaining the audience.

Smartphones have revolutionised the familiar promotion niche. In terms of sales, mobile devices steadily outpace desktop computers. Personal gadgets have become the best ways to access the Internet.

Mobile marketing: general info

From this article prepared by Online Casino Market experts, you will learn more about mobile promotion. We will also tell you why it is so important for the successful work of a casino in the digital space, and what tools should be used to obtain the maximum effect from such advertising.

What Is Mobile Marketing

The process includes any promotional activities with digital technologies, which are focused on the interaction with the owners of personal portable devices.

According to the GSMA study, the total number of mobile users in the world is 5.27 billion people, and this indicator will grow by another 700 million in the next 4 years.

A modern person spends more than 40% of the active part of the day on the Web, and this is about 7 hours daily. 89% of this time is spent using various mobile applications, which makes gadgets the dominant means of communication.

Back in 2019, Google announced the transition to indexing pages with a priority on mobile content. Emphasis on working with smartphone owners has become an integral part of a competitive existence on the Internet.

The lack of an adaptive version of the site or downloadable application threatens casino operators with the loss of a large part of the audience and a reduction in the conversion rate by more than 62%, regardless of the quality of the advertising strategy.

About the Importance of Mobile Promotion

It is difficult to underestimate the level of effectiveness of digital marketing. According to the Statista agency, the volume of mobile traffic exceeded the share of desktop requests back in 2018. Today, 90.7% of all digital activity is accounted for by smartphone owners.

A study from Stanley Morgan says that 91% of adult users constantly keep their devices in an accessible area, at arm's length.

50% of respondents first of all check messages, news, and posts on social networks on their phone after they wake up and only then proceed to their daily routine.

The following facts speak in favour of the importance of the modern casino business focusing on mobile consumers:

  • interaction with users through their gadgets speeds up the time of purchase of the offered product or service by 20%;
  • 50% of smartphone owners make instant purchases via their devices;
  • 40% of the total volume of electronic transactions is accounted for by mobile clients;
  • 2/3 of users choose those vendors who have a responsive site or a downloadable application.

Tasks of Mobile Marketing

Digital advertising is a large-scale multi-purpose tool with the highest efficiency level. According to the Statista agency, 91% of users are interested in buying a product or a service after viewing the corresponding ad on their phones.

The right promotion strategy allows entrepreneurs to meet the following challenges:

  • increase the level of recognition of the gambling brand;
  • get more loyal customers;
  • attract a new audience;
  • retain active visitors and increase the time they spend on the gaming site;
  • encourage people to come back to the casino over and over again;
  • improve the user experience of visiting online platforms;
  • increase the level of confidence in the supplier;
  • segment the audience and personalise marketing offers for each client;
  • adapt the list of offers following the geolocation features of the territory;
  • provide constant customer feedback.

Mobile Marketing Tools

Mobile casino marketing: tools

Casino brands can use many different ways to interact with gamblers. The choice of the right tool depends on the format of the advertising product, the behaviour of the target audience, and the overall goal of the promotion campaign.

Among the most popular and effective ways of mobile marketing, it is worth highlighting:

In-App Advertising

These are promo materials in mobile applications. The tool is widely known and positively established itself back in 2013.

In-app popularisation works on a simple principle: users see the ad in the application, click on it, and get to the linked site, thus increasing its conversion.

Types of in-app marketing

Static banner

A standard tool for interacting with large volumes of traffic.

The main advantage of working with banners in mobile promotion is that selective “blindness” of users takes place less often than when they view similar ads from desktop devices.

People have long been accustomed to different pop-ups but there is not much space on the smartphone to ignore the banner

Interstitial full-screen ad

It occupies the entire diagonal of the screen and is shown only in breaks between the game levels or during the loading of the application.

Filling the entire screen, this type of promo materials captures the user's attention most effectively

Native advertising

It adapts to the content in which it appears and looks like an organic element of the application.

Such types of marketing are considered less aggressive and increase the level of confidence of customers

Inserts with various rewards

These can be banners or videos, for which different bonuses are awarded. For example, promotional codes, additional game features, or an increased limit on the free use of the application

Interactive advertising

This type of marketing can be interacted with. For example, to test the functionality of the promoted product absolutely for free

Social Networks

There are over 4.62 billion social media users in the world. Moreover, 44% of them begin their acquaintance with new brands and suppliers by viewing relevant ads on Instagram, Facebook, etc.

This type of promotion is considered the most viral since mobile content is easiest to share via social networks.

This type of popularisation gives casino operators the following benefits:

  • the effect of word of mouth when a lot more people respond to a viewed ad than a potential pool of clients;
  • increase in the recognition of the gambling brand;
  • fast feedback from loyal customers and exchange of information;
  • enhancement in the level of loyalty and trust of active players.


Using this data, it is possible to broadcast ads to each specific client “at the right place and the right time”.

An excellent example often used by offline retail chains is the display of the brand’s advertising when a person is within a radius of 1 km from the physical representative office of the company.

According to Industry Dive, the use of location in promotion campaigns increases conversion rates by 89%.

Search Advertising on Mobile Devices

More than 51% of smartphone owners not only spend time on apps or social networks but also use their gadgets to do an internet search.

Adapting a gaming site for mobile queries increases conversion many times over and also significantly shortens the path to buying a selected product thanks to additional interactive features.

For example, next to the keys of transition to social networks, instant action buttons are often placed, such as “buy now”, “add to cart”, or “call”.

Voice Announcements

It is a comprehensive multi-purpose tool designed on the principle of automatic calls.

This type of promotion allows entrepreneurs to minimise the cost of locating potential audiences through “cold calling” and gives users a choice because each person can decide whether to listen to the ad in full or reject the call.

SMS Marketing and Work with Free Messengers

The research presented by SMS Comp says that in the first 3 minutes after an incoming message, 95% of smartphone owners will definitely open it, and in general, people view 98% of incoming signals, regardless of who sent them.

A classic digital newsletter cannot boast even half of this volume. According to Statista, an average person receives up to 150 e-mails per day, with most of them going to spam or trash without even being read.

Another fact in favour of SMS marketing is the low load of this advertising channel. According to SMS Comp, in January 2022, only 7% of niche brands used this type of mobile promotion. Accordingly, an SMS sent by an online casino or a bookmaker is more likely to be viewed than a similar electronic letter.

Gamified Advertising

Among other matters, the concept of turning popularisation materials into entertainment includes the use of interactive components in various areas: education, communication with customers, and marketing.

In the context of mobile promotion, gamified ads can look like:

  • free draws;
  • counting down to the beginning of some event;
  • test version of the new slot without the need for installation;
  • various puzzles with rewards, etc.

According to GameLoft, users remember such ads better and for a much longer period than any other promotions. Over 90% of respondents still think of the interactive offers within 2 days of viewing them.

According to statistics published by the Instapage agency, gamified ads are beneficial in many respects:

  • 91% more entertaining and non-aggressive;
  • 70% more exciting;
  • 66% more motivating;
  • 52% more creative than any other form of mobile marketing.

Push Notifications

These are short text messages that are sent only to subscribers, that is, people who have voluntarily agreed to receive and view ads.

The tool is focused on working exclusively with the target audience and demonstrates the highest rates of stimulating players to come back to the gaming site.

Push notifications go well with other advertising tools. The best results are shown by combinations of SMS, e-mail, and push marketing.

Advantages of Mobile Promotion

Mobile promotion: advantages

A smart strategy focused on the users of smartphones gives owners of gambling platforms the following benefits:

  1. High relevance. Mobile tools can quickly adjust to the current needs and preferences of customers based on their behavioural responses and purchase history.
  2. Profitability. The cost of a mobile advertising program is an order of magnitude lower than any other marketing strategy. For example, the price of a message on WhatsApp starts from just 0.03 euros.
  3. Broad coverage. The number of mobile users is growing every year, which means an automatic increase in potential casino visitors.
  4. Prompt feedback. The availability of technology allows operators to establish the most trusting relationship with players and provide constant feedback. This is achieved thanks to the usual channels that are always at hand: instant messengers, SMS messages, and social networks.
  5. Convenient promotion channel. Those business owners who are focused on a mobile audience have more marketing tools that can be easily combined. With their help, you can quickly advertise your products or services in new local and international arenas.

The Main Things about Mobile Promotion in the iGaming Niche

The use of such digital advertising tools is the most practical and effective way to solve almost all marketing tasks: from increasing brand awareness to communicating with regular clients.

  • Mobile promotion allows operators to reach a wide audience. There are more than 5.27 billion smartphone owners in the world, and their number is constantly growing. All these people can be effectively contacted with the help of numerous advertising tools.
  • One of the most popular areas is gamified marketing. These are inserts (videos and banners) with which users can interact. Such materials are better remembered and increase the engagement of potential customers.
  • This type of promotion is much cheaper than any other advertising program. The cost of an inviting request in free messengers starts from only 0.03 euros. Mobile marketing can be easily combined with any classic method, including e-mail newsletters and social media activity.

Learn more about the most popular and effective ways to promote iGaming platforms and order professional advertising support from Online Casino Market.

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Karen Fill


Karen Fill

Gambling business expert at Online Casino Market

Updated 06 august 2024