Understand Your Audience with A Detailed Player Guidance from Online Casino Market

Online casinoLand-based solutionsMarketing
Updated 31 may 2024

One of the critical aspects of the online gambling industry is successful marketing. At the same time, operators usually know what audience they should focus on. A thorough study of the potential players in the area of operation allows maximizing the efficiency of advertising expenses. In order to define the desired target audience, it is highly advisable to create a portrait of a client.

Portrait of an average client

Online Casino Market continues working on expanding your theoretical background of a platform building process. While you comprehend more and more information on setting up a profitable gambling environment, you should also remember about the option of qualified help. Do not hesitate to resort to our experts regarding any issue, including a turnkey business solution.

Working with a Target Audience

Your main task is to determine the target audience accurately and gather as much information about your potential players as possible. It will give you an opportunity to influence them during the promotional campaign and engage more clients.

It is beneficial to focus on the peculiarities and features of your players and define the preferred gaming activity that would ensure to have a maximum attraction. The result is an efficient promotional strategy that is a direct way to multiply your profits in the end.

Classifying the Potential Players

Undoubtedly, all your visitors will not be the same. Therefore, you must separate them according to the groups by socio-demographic, behaving, and intellectual factors. Here are the most widely spread features of each group:


  • age group;
  • education;
  • job;
  • levels of earnings;
  • origin;
  • public background;
  • residence;
  • gender.

Behaving (Player Pattern)

  • amateurs;
  • regulars;
  • proficient;
  • obsessed;
  • high-flyers.


  • ambitions;
  • habits;
  • individuality and personality;
  • interests and leisure;
  • motivation.

Let us dive even deeper and try to analyze each factor separately to maximize the influence on player acquisition.

Socio-Demographic Features

In the world of heavily developed technologies, even the slightest detail can influence a person’s desire to join your online gambling platform. Therefore, it is essential to consider each feature of the public aspect.


Socio-demographic features: age

More than half of the online casino players are between 21 and 45. About 30% of visitors are more than 45. And nearly 20% are aged 18 to 21. These numbers were generated according to the technological accessibility around the world. Since older people are getting used to mobile phones and laptops, the average age is getting bigger.

Education, Job, and Level of Earnings

Socio-demographic features: level of income

In this group, online casino players are divided into three subgroups, depending on their financial status:

  1. Low income. These are people with only secondary education without any particularly high sources of profit. Usually, they visit online casinos trying to hit the jackpot.
  2. Average income. People of this group do have higher education and a decent profit. They visit online casinos for fun after long busy days.
  3. High income. These people have serious requests when it concerns betting and are usually VIP guests on your platform. They prefer not to share their sources of profit but tend to make big bets regularly.

You should adjust your online casino accordingly, depending on the level of education and the earning possibilities. Hence, it is complicated to offer an entertainment environment for all groups at the same time. Focus on the target audience and work towards attracting as many representatives as possible.


Socio-demographic features: gender

Around 57% of online casino players are males. 43% are females. A few decades earlier, the number of women visiting gambling platforms was much smaller. Today, due to the equality of rights policies and conscious understanding of the situation, the sides are more or less the same.

Origin and Residence

Socio-demographic features: origin

Your analytical tools will let you know where players access your casino from. Depending on the local legislation, you adjust your promotional campaign accordingly to avoid restrictions and attract as many clients as possible.

Also, the place of living is characterized by the stability of the internet connection. In highly developed countries, the coverage is extensive, while third world states can have problems with this issue.

Considering the available statistics, the highest activity on online gambling websites is concentrated in Australia, Singapore, and Ireland. Meanwhile, the US, China, and Japan are among the leaders by the total players’ losses.

Intellectual Features

Intellectual features of clients

On top of the general data about your clients, you should define the psychological characteristics. They will be accommodating while you build attractive advertising campaigns.


With the extremely rapid development of the gaming industry, it becomes harder and harder to impress the public. However, by finding out about the latest trends, you can design your slots accordingly to attract more players. For example, recent hype around the Game of Thrones or the fight against Coronavirus is familiar to the majority around the world.


Depending on why your clients visit your gambling platform, you can influence their desire to spend more time and enjoy diverse content.

The latest statistics show the following numbers:

  • 55% are curious about their luck;
  • 35% want to relax and enjoy their free time;
  • 10% are trying to make money for a living.

The socio-demographics features will help you figure out what players visit your platform. In combination with this aspect, you can influence the distribution of different categories.


Followed by numerous studies in the sphere of online gambling, analysts defined two types of personalities that join gaming websites for different reasons.

  1. Calculators. They try to apply various theories and formulas to figure out the result of a game. They are cool-minded, do not rush, and, most of the time, know when they have to stop.
  2. Emotionalists. This group of players focuses on their feelings while spending time on your gambling platform. They will blame you for their losses and do not know the right time to stop.

Behaving Features

Behaving features of players

While some people feel enjoyment during gambling activities, others are obsessed with them. Depending on the actions of players, it is essential to define five groups of casino visitors that need different ways of approaching.

  1. Amateurs. These players will hardly ever risk all their money. They are new to the industry and will slowly accustom to the gambling environment. The first gaming experience is crucial since, in the case of a positive result, they will continue playing.
  2. Regulars. People of this type continuously go to online casinos once or a few times a week. They are able to control themselves and can easily stop if they lose control.
  3. Proficient. Their main goal is entertainment without regular visits to a casino. They are not afraid to lose, but at the same time, understand how essential it is to stop.
  4. Obsessed. These people are unhealthy in terms of their passion for online gambling. Most self-respected gambling platforms stick to the policies of responsible gaming and warn every player about the possibility of developing an addiction. A person’s mental health is much more important than any profit.
  5. High-flyers. These players enjoy making high bets. At the same time, they demand the casino to treat them accordingly. They are capricious and require a particular approach if an operator wants to benefit from them.

Understand Your Audience With Professional Tools

Understand and target the right audience

In most cases, new operators will try to manage their players independently. Admittedly, the theoretical background can provide casino owners with sufficient knowledge. However, it is all about the experience of working with people that matters.

Online Casino Market offers you an incredible opportunity to receive high-quality help from our experts. They will provide with all intricacies of understanding your players and benefitting from them by:

  • teaching how to work with a target audience;
  • classifying the potential players;
  • perceiving socio-demographic features;
  • considering intellectual features;
  • diversifying behaving features.

In the next article, we will move into another direction and will try to figure out the advantages of Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Meanwhile, we are patiently waiting for your orders. Feel free to reach our support team by any convenient means.


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  • e-mail: manager@oc-market.com
  • the feedback form.
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Karen Fill


Karen Fill

Gambling business expert at Online Casino Market

Updated 31 may 2024